COMING SOON - Ability to see when a sale was printed

Within the next week, we will add the ability to see if a sale was printed on a picklist and, if so, when the last time it was printed.

You will be able to see this information in the following calls:

  • getOnlineSaleStatus
  • getSales
  • getSalesByDate

It will be returned in the following format:

...Sale Information up here...,
"PrintedStatus": false,
"LastPrintedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"

As you can see, for sales that have never been printed on a picklist, it will show "False" and the following date: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z.

Also, the date will be in UTC format. For any questions, feel free to ask a question on our Developer Forum ( . Thanks!