Update to the GetSalesByDate call!

We have updated the response format to our GetSalesByDate call! Now, transactions related to a sale, such as a pick, pass, or fail will display in the results.

Due to the nature of the update, you may need to update your code to accommodate this change.

Here's an example of what has been added:

"ProcessedItems": [
                "Sku": "string",
                "PickedQuantity": 0,
                "FailedQuantity": 0,
                "PassedQuantity": 0

and this is what will display in the full response:

        "Id": "1-1-1-1-sale1",
        "MarketplaceId": "String",
        "ChannelId": "String",
        "Status": "ReadyToShip",
        "SaleDate": "2017-02-02T15:11:11.8660000Z",
        "Marketplace": "Manual",
        "MerchantItems": [
                "Sku": "String",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "UnitPrice": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "s": "$"
                "PartNumber": ""
        "FulfilledItems": [],
        "MerchantKits": [],
        "FulfilledKits": [],
        "ProcessedItems": [
                "Sku": "string",
                "PickedQuantity": 0,
                "FailedQuantity": 0,
                "PassedQuantity": 0
        "Client": "",
        "Channel": "Manual",
        "ShippingCost": {
            "a": 0,
            "s": "$"
        "ShippingCharge": {
            "a": 0,
            "s": "$"
        "ShippingCarrier": "",
        "ShippingClass": "",
        "ShippingInfo": {
            "City": "",
            "Region": "",
            "Country": "",
            "PostalCode": "",
            "Address1": "",
            "Address2": ""
        "ContactInfo": {
            "FirstName": "",
            "LastName": "",
            "Company": "",
            "Phone": "",
            "Email": ""
        "Notes": "",
        "PrintedStatus": false,
        "LastPrintedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"