New Calls! Ability to Add Shipments Through the API

Now, users can add Shipments to a sale through the API!

Update to SyncOnlineSale(s)

We've released an improvement for the SyncOnlineSale and SyncOnlineSales calls.

Recent API Updates and Changes (4/25/17)

We have pushed out several updates to our API. See full list below:

Updated the throttling limits for bulk calls!!!

Good news! We have updated the throttling limits for the following bulk calls:

Updated GetSalesByDate and added in versioning

We updated the response of the 'GetSalesByDate' call to have a more intuitive and helpful response.

Update to GetProducts

Updated the getProducts call to return product statuses.

New Call! Ability to set quantities in bulk

We have now added a bulk call that will allow you to Set Item Quantities in bulk. For more information, visit this link ""

Update to Response Format of GetSalesByDate!

ATTN!!! We will be updating the response format of the GetSalesByDate call in mid-January. Due to the nature of the update, you may need to update your code to accommodate this change. See the change(s) below:

getSoldItems: Soon to have limited date range

Around February 2017, we will introduce a 2-week date range limitation to the endpoint getSoldItems. We are doing this because it can be a hefty request on our servers and we'd like to ensure that its usage does not become an issue.

Restriction on AddItemBulk and RemoveItemBulk

Attention!!! We will be enforcing a slight restriction on the maximum number of objects for the following bulk calls: