Multiple Supplier Support

We now offer the ability to sync multiple supplier information for one product through the API! We offer this ability in the following calls:

Returning Sales Notes

We have updated the following calls to return the Sales Notes field: GetSalesByDate, GetSales, and GetOnlineSaleStatus. Feel free to use the developer forums for any questions/concerns. Thanks!

New Call! Ability to get Receive History of SKUs

You now have the ability to pull the receive history for your SKUs. You can find the documentation for this call here . For any questions / concerns about this call, feel free to use our developers portal. Thanks!

GetWarehouseItemQuantities - Change in Response Format (Coming Soon)

Soon, we will be changing how getWarehouseItemQuantities will return the data. It is currently returned in this format:

getItemQuantities Response Updated

We've rolled out an update to getItemQuantities now allowing it to return the following quantity types:

COMING SOON - Ability to Create Brands

In the next few weeks, we will release a call that will allow you to create Brands in SkuVault. This call will have the following format...

GetWarehouseItemQuantities - Change in Response Format

Soon, we will be changing how getWarehouseItemQuantities will return the data. It is currently returned in this format:

COMING SOON - Ability to see when a sale was printed

Within the next week, we will add the ability to see if a sale was printed on a picklist and, if so, when the last time it was printed.

Minor Change to SyncOnlineSale/SyncOnlineSales Response

We will be slightly modifying the body of the response we return in SyncOnlineSale and SyncOnlineSales.

Ability to Sync 3PL Items in Sales!

Good News! We now offer the ability to sync 3PL-fulfilled Items in the following calls: